David Anguish

David Anguish earned his B.A. degree from Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee, and his M.A. in Biblical Studies from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee.

He has served as a minister in multiple churches, serving longest as an education minister at the church of Christ in Snellville, Georgia (1984–2000) and as a preaching minister at the Southwind church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee (2000–2015). He also taught Bible for grades 7 through 12 at Greater Atlanta Christian School in Norcross, Georgia (1983–1995). He devoted several years to writing and researching for Truth for Today World Mission School in Searcy, Arkansas (2015–2018).

Additionally, brother Anguish has taught in many Bible teacher workshops and conducted classes and seminars on subjects related to Christian apologetics.

He has written numerous essays, papers, reviews, bulletin articles, tracts, and lesson series intended to equip the Lord's saints for the work of ministry.

Brother Anguish now lives in Searcy, Arkansas, and attends the College church of Christ. He and his late wife, Carlynn, have two sons and two grandchildren.


Luke 1—9 David Anguish
In this Gospel Account, Luke wrote about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. His work remains vital for all Christians who want to know everything they can about the Son of God. David Anguish's extensive study of Luke in chapters 1 through 9 considers the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and explains how they apply to us today. (580 pages)